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Marc Miller


IRCC to Offer Financial Support for Gazans Arriving in Canada 

Palestinians leaving Gaza will soon receive transitional financial aid from Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) when they arrive in Canada. This support is designed to help cover essential needs such as food, housing, and clothing while they search for employment. The IRCC plans to release more information about the program when it becomes available.  Canada’s immigration minister, Marc Miller, emphasized that providing both settlement and financial assistance is crucial to supporting Gazans as they find safety in Canada.  Discover if You Are Eligible for Canadian Immigration Additional Support for Gazans  In addition to financial assistance, Gazans fleeing the ongoing conflict will benefit from several other forms of support, including:  Temporary Health Coverage: Three months of coverage under the Interim Federal Health Program to address urgent medical needs upon arrival.  Settlement Services: These include language training, guidance on integrating into Canadian society (e.g., enrolling children in school or setting up bank accounts), and help with finding employment.  Current Numbers  As of now, 4,245 applications are under processing through IRCC’s temporary resident pathway for extended Palestinian family members in Gaza, and 733 individuals have been approved to come to Canada. These individuals had pending Temporary Resident Visa applications and were able to submit their biometric information.  IRCC has acknowledged that movement out of Gaza is highly difficult due to factors beyond Canada’s control but has committed to working with local authorities to facilitate the process. As of October 5, 334 people have arrived in Canada under the temporary public policy.  Humanitarian Aid  Canada has also committed $140 million in humanitarian assistance to help address urgent needs in Gaza, the West Bank, Israel, and surrounding areas. This funding will support critical supplies, including food, water, and emergency medical care.  Broader Humanitarian Measures  IRCC has implemented several additional measures for Palestinians and Israelis affected by the ongoing conflict in the Middle East.  Earlier this year, the department introduced a new policy for Palestinians in Gaza who have close family members that are Canadian citizens or permanent residents. This policy supports their transition to life in Canada. Eligible relatives include:  Spouses or common-law partners  Children or grandchildren  Siblings  Parents or grandparents of Canadian citizens or permanent residents  Successful applicants under this pathway can receive temporary resident status in Canada for up to three years, allowing them to work (with an open work permit) and/or study during this time. Family members accompanying these applicants may also apply for study or work permits.  Additionally, IRCC has expedited the processing of family-class permanent residence applications for Palestinians affected by the ongoing conflict.  Discover if You Are Eligible for Canadian Immigration


What we know about the forthcoming Immigration Levels Plan 

Between now and November 1, Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) will present its 2025-2027 Immigration Levels Plan. This plan will set targets for the number of permanent residents expected to be admitted to Canada over the next year, along with provisional goals for the two years following that, covering a total span of three years.  The Plan not only shapes Canada’s immigration objectives but also influences various aspects of the country’s social and economic landscape, such as population growth, taxation, housing affordability, healthcare services, and labor market expansion.  However, this year’s Plan will see a notable change, as Immigration Minister Marc Miller revealed in March that, for the first time, temporary residents (those with work or study permits, as well as visitor visas) will be included. In 2023, Canada had more than 2.5 million temporary residents, representing 6.2% of the population. Minister Miller has stated that the upcoming Plan will aim to decrease the number of temporary residents admitted over the next few years, with the goal of reducing this figure to 5% of the total population within three years.  Discover if You Are Eligible for Canadian Immigration The specific number of temporary residents Canada will admit in the future is yet to be finalized. However, based on previous announcements, there are some indications of how IRCC’s future plans could shape the upcoming Immigration Levels Plan.  Study Permits  In January, IRCC announced a cap on study permits for international students, indicating it would process 606,000 applications in 2023, with an expected approval of 360,000—a 35% reduction in the number of study permits processed. This decision came as a surprise, given that Minister Miller had previously opposed placing caps or targets on Canada’s international student program.  International students made up 42% of the temporary resident population in 2023. In September, the minister further stated that the number of processed study permits would be reduced to 437,000 by 2025. Master’s and PhD students, who had previously been exempt, would now be included under this cap.  Open Work Permits  In addition to study permits, the IRCC has signaled its intention to decrease the number of Post-Graduation Work Permits (PGWPs) and Spousal Open Work Permits (SOWPs) issued over the next three years. New requirements for PGWP applicants have been introduced, including a minimum Canadian Language Benchmark (CLB) score of 7 for university graduates and CLB 5 for college graduates.  The minister estimated that these changes would result in 175,000 fewer PGWPs being issued over the next three years. Regarding SOWPs, changes are expected to reduce the number by 50,000, as spouses of international master’s students will now only qualify if their spouse’s program is 16 months or longer or if they are in a field identified by the IRCC as critical. Additionally, only the spouses of “highly skilled, specialized workers” will remain eligible for SOWPs, which is projected to further reduce the number of permits issued by 100,000 over the next three years. Altogether, these changes are expected to lead to 325,000 fewer open work permits issued during this period.  Closed Work Permits  There have also been significant updates to the Temporary Foreign Worker Program (TFWP). Minister of Employment Randy Boissonnault introduced changes that limit employers to hiring no more than 10% of their workforce through the TFWP. Additionally, the maximum duration of employment for workers in the Low-Wage stream has been reduced from two years to one.  Furthermore, IRCC will not process low-wage Labour Market Impact Assessments (LMIAs) from employers in areas with an unemployment rate exceeding 6%, though some exceptions apply. Minister Boissonnault has expressed concern about Canadian employers’ heavy reliance on the TFWP, stressing that it was only intended as a last resort.  Permanent Residents  The Immigration Levels Plan 2024-2026 set a goal of welcoming 500,000 permanent residents annually by 2025 and maintaining that target through 2026. Permanent residents are admitted through various channels, including economic immigration, family sponsorship, refugee programs, and humanitarian initiatives.  Minister Miller has hinted that significant changes could be on the horizon for the number of permanent residents Canada admits in the coming years, and that adjustments to the type of immigration Canada prioritizes could be forthcoming. Currently, 60% of immigration focuses on economic immigrants—skilled workers who are expected to integrate into the workforce and boost the economy. This is an unusually high proportion compared to many other nations, according to the minister.  Broader Context  As Canada’s population grows, concerns have emerged about the strain that high immigration levels place on key issues like affordable housing and an already stretched healthcare system. These topics are likely to influence the next federal election and were highlighted in a 2023 Environics Institute report on Canadian attitudes toward immigration. The report noted a noticeable decline in support for immigration compared to 2022, although most respondents did not express concerns about immigrants themselves.  Minister Miller has also emphasized the need to limit the number of temporary residents, particularly international students, to prevent exploitation and ensure newcomers receive adequate support. Nonetheless, both Miller and Boissonnault have frequently highlighted the cultural benefits of immigration, acknowledging that immigration is responsible for virtually all of Canada’s labor force growth. They cautioned, however, that any policy adjustments must avoid being overly restrictive.  Discover if You Are Eligible for Canadian Immigration


“BREAKING: IRCC Lowers Study Permit Caps & Alters PGWP Eligibility Rules!”

The immigration minister of Canada, Marc Miller, stated that “the cap on international students is here to stay.” Only 437,000 study permits will be granted by Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) in 2025. This figure, according to the department, is predicated on stabilizing the intake quota for 2026 after a 10% drop from the goal of issuing 485,000 new study permits in 2024. Over the following four years, the IRCC anticipates that 300,000 fewer study permits will be granted to overseas students as a result of this. Discover if You Are Eligible for Canadian Immigration The minister made a number of comments about ongoing modifications to Canada’s program for international students. “The truth is that not everyone will be able to come to Canada, just as not everyone will be able to stay in Canada,” Miller stated. “Our immigration system needs to be sustainably managed, well-managed, and maintain its integrity. And going forward, we’ll do everything it takes to accomplish that objective and provide fresh opportunities for success for newcomers. PhD and master’s degree candidates must now get a provincial attestation letter. Master’s and doctorate students will now be included in the new cap and will not be excused from getting a Provincial Attestation Letter (PAL). The department states that, “in recognition of the benefits they bring to the Canadian labour market,” it will reserve for these students around 12% of the allocation spaces. In order to assist the IRCC in confirming the validity of their applications and maintaining a steady supply of study permits, many college and undergraduate students were given the opportunity to apply for PALs earlier this year. Modifications to PGWP approval Further modifications have also been made to the prerequisites for eligibility for a Post Graduation Work Permit (PGWP). A Canadian Language Benchmark (CLB) score of 7 for university graduates and a CLB of 5 for college graduates applying after November 1 will now be needed of applicants. Miller anticipates that during the following three years, there will be 175,000 fewer PGWPs issued as a result of this. Spousal Open Work Permit Restrictions Later this year, the IRCC will only allow work permits to be obtained by spouses of master’s degree students enrolled in programs that last at least 16 months. Over the following three years, it is anticipated that this will lead to the issuance of 50,000 fewer spousal work permits. Spousal Open Work Permits, which have nothing to do with the foreign student program, will only be granted to spouses of Canadian citizens or permanent residents who work in essential industries. Effects on the Program for Temporary Foreign Workers Since April 2023, there has been an increase in Canada’s unemployment rate of 1.5 percentage points. According to Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC), the 6.4% to 6.6% total unemployment rate has increased. There were 1.5 million jobless individuals in August 2024, up 60,000 (+4.3%) from the previous month. In the near future, the number of temporary residents in Canada with work permits is expected to decline thanks to the actions announced today. Accompanying Minister Miller, Randy Boissonnault, Minister of Employment, Workforce Development, and Official Languages, reiterated many of his previous statements regarding the purpose of the Temporary Foreign Worker Program (TFWP). He stated that the TFWP should never be used to repress or replace Canadian labor, but rather as a last resort. Nevertheless, Minister Boissonnault pointed out that immigration accounts for 99% of Canada’s economic development. By 2032, this is anticipated to increase to 100%. Modifications to Canada’s temporary and permanent resident thresholds The immigration system in Canada has undergone significant changes this year, with the introduction of several new policies. The first-ever research permit cap was imposed by the IRCC in January. It was first intended to be a temporary measure that would last until the end of 2025. Study permit allotments for each province were given to the provincial government as part of this cap. The PAL system was introduced along with the new cap. Alongside the announcement of the study permit cap, there were additional limitations placed on PGWP eligibility, which excluded students enrolled in college programs that had “curriculum licensing agreements.” Additionally, spouses of students enrolled in master’s and doctoral programs were the only ones eligible for new restrictions on Spousal Work Permits. In an effort to lower the number of temporary residents (those with study or work permits), Minister Miller also declared in March that the Immigration Levels Plan for 2025–2027 will incorporate temporary resident levels for the first time. Other actions that Canada has made to lower the number of temporary residents include: Removing the COVID-era rule that let some foreign visitors to apply from within Canada for a work permit backed by their job; Pausing the processing of Labour Market Impact Assessments (LMIAs) for Canadian jobs going to Census Metropolitan Areas (CMAs) with unemployment rates of 6% or greater in the low-wage stream of the TFWP; and Tying the issuance of these work permits to educational programs that would enable graduates to work within in-demand areas of the Canadian economy is something that is being considered, along with significant modifications to the Post-Graduation Work Permits (PGWP) issued to overseas graduates. According to prior statements made by Minister Miller, he is also willing to consider alternatives for addressing Canada’s permanent immigration numbers. The Minister stated that while it was crucial to avoid “overcorrecting” permanent immigration numbers, the adjustments he was thinking about would be “significant” rather than merely “cosmetic.” In the upcoming weeks, more details on this front should be anticipated. Discover if You Are Eligible for Canadian Immigration


Miller: More steps will be taken to control the number of temporary residents.

The Minister of Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship, Marc Miller, recently spoke with news agency Reuters about a “suite of measures” that will be implemented to further restrict non-permanent residents (those with study or work permits) in Canada. Miller claims that upcoming actions “may involve modifications to [Post-Graduation Work Permits (PGWPs)] and enforcement.” “The days of unrestricted immigration schemes into this nation are rapidly drawing to an end. “This is a significant change,” Miller remarked in the interview. Discover if You Are Eligible for Canadian Immigration What modifications to the PGWP are under consideration? In order to get input on potential modifications to the PGWP, Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) distributed surveys to important post-secondary education stakeholders in June. This poll and the Deputy Minister Transition Binder 2024 indicate that the department is thinking about coordinating PGWP issuance with labor market requirements. The department’s role would be to oversee “students entering occupations in shortage, while reducing access for graduates from other programs” in terms of work permit management. The poll additionally disclosed that the IRCC and Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC) collaborated to associate job titles (as classified by the National Occupation Classification (NOC) system) with educational programs (as described in the Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP)). To further clarify, the IRCC survey cites the example of pertinent NOCs for “carpenters” that are associated with “three programs of study: woodworking/general, carpentry, and construction trades.” A component of a larger scheme The first-ever goal for non-permanent resident temporary residents (NPR) levels was revealed earlier this year by the IRCC and was to be incorporated into the immigration levels strategy for this year. In line with this announcement, the IRCC planned to lower NPR levels in order to stabilize the percentage of these recent immigrants in the Canadian population at 5% during the following three years. In April of last year, NPRs accounted for about 7% of the population. The IRCC has already put in place a two-year quota on international students as part of this strategy, limiting the total number of new post-secondary enrollment to 292,000 this year. In 2025, this cap will be reexamined, and the numbers of international students may change for that year. Furthermore, Minister Miller has stated that he intends to increase the number of “domestic draws” for both federal and provincial permanent residence (PR) pathways. This effectively means that fewer TRs will be allowed to remain in Canada by giving them priority over new PRs from overseas, which could worsen the housing and affordability issues that have been linked to immigration. All of these actions are being taken at a time when Canadians are more interested in immigration than ever before. According to Miller in the Reuters interview, “[Immigration will be] a top issue, if not the top issue, in the next election.” Discover if You Are Eligible for Canadian Immigration

Canada, NEWS

Canada has announced plans to assist those affected by the ongoing issues in Haiti.

Minister of Immigration, Citizenship, and Refugees Marc Miller unveiled fresh, short-term initiatives on May 23rd to assist those affected by the Haitian issues. A temporary policy to assist Haitians in Canada with a legitimate temporary resident status and those who are family members of Canadian citizens or permanent residents has been implemented immediately by Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC). Haitians can now apply for a study permit, open work permit, or status extension at no cost if they have family in Canada or are already in the nation on a visitor visa, work permit, or study permit. The Interim Federal Health Program will also provide qualified candidates with three months of health insurance coverage. Discover if You Are Eligible for Canadian Immigration Discover if You Are Eligible for Canadian Immigration Under this new temporary policy, who is eligible to apply?   Only the following people are eligible for this new stream: Haitian citizens and holders of passports who are in Canada and have a current status as temporary residents; Family members of citizens and permanent residents of Canada who: Departed Haiti on or before March 1st, 2024 (the applicant’s family member and Canadian citizen or permanent resident cannot be in Haiti at the time of application); landed in Canada on April 26, 2024, or earlier; and possess a current temporary residency permit in Canada. Permanent residents of Canada who: Left Haiti on or after March 1st, 2024; Arrived in Canada on or before April 26th, 2024; and Are subject to a waiting period for provincial or territorial health coverage. Haitian nationals who: Are outside of Canada; and Have existing permanent resident applications in progress. According to the IRCC, Haitian nationals living outside of Canada who have applied for immigration and are prepared to be granted a permanent residence visa but have lost their passport as a result of the continuing humanitarian problems may be authorized to enter the country without one. According to department estimates, 44,000 or so Haitians hold legal temporary resident status in Canada. Visit the IRCC’s dedicated eligibility webpage by clicking this link for further details. Family members also include relatives of permanent residents and citizens of Canada who came to the country as temporary residents through aided departures from Haiti. A Component of a larger plan   The Canadian government has implemented a broader approach to address the humanitarian crisis in Haiti, which includes the implementation of this most recent temporary policy. We have serious concerns about the welfare of the people in Haiti. The actions taken today will make it possible for Haitians to work and learn in a secure setting. – Marc Miller, Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship At the start of the crises, Canada completed assisted departures from Haiti, which successfully transported 435 Canadian citizens, 111 permanent residents, and 135 temporary residents to safety. In addition, late last year IRCC also instituted a dedicated humanitarian pathway for Colombian, Venezuelan and Haitian nationals to apply for permanent residence (PR) on a priority basis. IRCC hopes to welcome 11,000 foreign nationals to Canada, through this pathway.

Citizenship, NEWS

In 2024, Canada will observe Citizenship Week.

Citizenship Week is being observed annually in Canada. Immigration Minister Marc Miller said in a statement issued by Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) that this week is a chance for Canadians to consider what it means to be Canadian. The week of May 13–19 is in effect. Throughout the week, the Minister will visit “local organizations that provide assistance to newcomers by offering a range of services from official language training to finding employment” in addition to attending many citizenship ceremonies and celebrations. Discover if You Are Eligible for Canadian Immigration Between April 1, 2023, and March 31, 2024, Canada welcomed 393,500 new citizens, surpassing the almost 364,000 new citizens over the same time in the previous year. This month’s other events in Toronto that cater to newcomers include the yearly Newcomer Day. Anyone in Toronto can attend Nathan Phillips Square on May 23 to learn more about employment opportunities, settlement services, Canadian history, and other topics. There will also be a naturalization ceremony that day. What makes one a citizen of Canada? Many rights and liberties are afforded to Canadian residents in a multicultural society that promotes tolerance for people of many backgrounds, including gender, race, and religion. A Canadian passport, which is one of the best in the world and grants visa-free travel to more than 100 nations, is also available to citizens. They don’t need to bother about acquiring a visa or permit in order to enter or exit Canada. In addition, citizens have access to additional government benefits and are promised free healthcare (as long as they have a provincial health card). They can also vote in federal, provincial, and local elections. Last but not least, Canadian citizens pay a lot less for post-secondary education than do international students. How to apply for citizenship in Canada There are several steps involved in obtaining Canadian citizenship. First and foremost, all newly naturalized citizens must be long-term residents of Canada. You can do this by submitting an application via any of the more than 100 Canadian immigration routes. A candidate for citizenship must then fulfill the requirements for physical residency after obtaining the status of permanent resident. In particular, candidates for citizenship need to have spent a minimum of three of the previous five years, or 1,095 days, in Canada. Additionally, candidates must have at least a four-star Canadian Language Benchmark (CLB) score in either French or English, which are the country’s official languages. The following can be used to illustrate this: Outcomes of an authorized third-party examination; or Transcripts or a diploma from an English- or French-speaking school or post-secondary institution; Proof that the student completed some government language programs with a CLB 4 or higher. After fulfilling these prerequisites, candidates need to ace a citizenship exam. The IRCC administers this test, which takes 20 to 30 minutes to finish and includes questions regarding geography, political process, Canadian history, and the rights and obligations of Canadian citizenship. A score of 15 out of 20 is required for passing. Ceremony for citizenship An applicant for citizenship in Canada is required to attend a citizenship ceremony upon approval. In the course of the event, candidates will Take the Oath of Citizenship; Get their citizenship certificate; Sign the Oath or Affirmation of Citizenship form; and Sing the national anthem. The ceremony can take place in person in front of a judge or through a video link provided for those unable to attend in person. Discover if You Are Eligible for Canadian Immigration

NEWS, Provinces

Manitoba’s request to renew work permits for a few PNP candidates has been approved by the IRCC.

The Manitoba government has requested that some nominees listed in the province’s Provincial Nominee Program (PNP) have their temporary resident status extended. This request has been granted by Canada’s Immigration Minister, Marc Miller. The nominees, most of whom possess Post Graduation Work Permits (PGWPs), are all expected to have work permits expiring in 2024, according to Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC). Applications for these people are presently being accepted for the Manitoba Skilled Worker Program, an immigration route designed to cover important positions in the province. 6,700 temporary employees may carry on with their work while the province processes their PNP application thanks to the interim arrangement. According to the government, “qualified foreign nationals will obtain an official nomination from Manitoba and ultimately turn into permanent residents” Discover if You Are Eligible for Canadian Immigration In order to meet the demands of the country’s labor market, the IRCC says it is willing to collaborate with other Canadian provinces and territories to assist in the conversion of additional temporary residents into permanent residents. After the Federation of Ministers Responsible for Immigration (FMRI) meeting on May 10, more details might become accessible. The PNP for Manitoba The first province in Canada to create a PNP was Manitoba. In order to draw immigrants who might otherwise be more inclined to settle in one of Canada’s major cities, such Toronto or Vancouver, the province launched the initiative in 1998. With the exception of Quebec and Nunavut, all Canadian provinces and territories adopted the program as it was so effective in promoting the financial advantages of immigration. Additionally, data indicates that in 2023, 10,000 individuals in Manitoba changed from being workers to permanent residents. The province received 1,560 Expressions of Interest from candidates seeking skilled labor between January and March of this year, and 1,478 of those were approved. According to IRCC data, the PNP accounted for 20% of all admissions of permanent residents in 2022. Furthermore, by the end of 2024, Canada hopes to have admitted 110,000 new permanent residents, and by 2025 and 2026, it expects to have admitted 120,000 per year, according to the Immigration Levels Plan, which sets admission targets for permanent residents each year. Modifications to the levels of temporary residents This measure is exclusive to Canada’s immigration landscape and is consistent with an earlier declared priority for the current year and the years to come. Minister Miller declared on March 21 of this year that he intended to pursue further domestic draws in order to facilitate the conversion of temporary residents into permanent residents. To put it another way, rather than raising the previously unrestricted number of temporary residents that enter Canada each year, IRCC intends to collaborate with recent arrivals to assist them in becoming permanent residents. In 2023, the number of temporary residents in Canada exceeded 2.5 million, accounting for 6.2% of the country’s total population. 157,000 individuals made the switch from temporary to permanent residence in 2023. The modifications to Canada’s thresholds for temporary residents coincide with a period of high living expenses, a burdened healthcare system, and a lack of reasonably priced homes for both citizens and foreigners. In 2023, a number of polls revealed a decline in support for substantial immigration. Discover if You Are Eligible for Canadian Immigration

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